Photos' hunt ( 2004 11 30 )


Welcome to my photos' hunt at Disneyland Resort Paris. You can find this newsletter at this address:

Click on a picture to enlarge it. If you like one of them and want to use it on your web site, don't forget to inform me and to mention the original source with a "© J°o°eL" !

This week in the photos' hunt :

Disneyland Park

liréP ud elpmeT eL te senoJ anaidnI

... that's finished...
... december 4th...

Indiana Jones et Le Temple du Péril

...comes back...
... forward !

Work in progress...
and some details back in the park...
What's the best  to wear during a cold day?

A hat !

What was the first shape designed ?

Castle ? or Xmas tree ?
CU again soon ;-)

© J°o°eL / 2004