Photos' hunt ( 2005 09 13 )


Welcome to my photos' hunt at Disneyland Resort Paris. You can find this newsletter at this address:

Click on a picture to enlarge it. If you like one of them and want to use it on your web site, don't forget to inform me and to mention the original source with a "© J°o°eL" !

This week in the photos' hunt :

Disneyland Resort Paris

Since august, to reduce water use to a minimum, some fountains of the resort are stopped like here at Disney's Hotel New York.

Disneyland Park

In Adventureland some waterfalls are also stopped, but that's for a maintenance operation.

Save the fishes !

I'm not sure this new sign recently put in Adventure Isle will resist to time...

Halloween is coming, on the hub of Central Plaza a giant pumpkin will grow up soon !

And this year... color of Halloween... is pink !

Woodcarver's Workshop at Critter Corral is hidden for refurbishment... a new -temporary- shop... or a new "food post" ?

Timekeeper still there !

From september 12th to 23rd, no Legend of The Lion King  show at Videopolis.

A lot of work is done everywhere in the park at the moment.

Here Frontierland bridge.

There in Main Street USA.

Well some work is not due to time or weather conditions...

Walt Disney Studios

Work area for the construction of Toon Studios is prepared.

CU again soon ;-)

© J°o°eL / 2005